Mammoth Trails

Project Description: Mammoth Trails started in 2006 as a confederation of user groups convened to address issues among outdoor recreation user groups and provide a cohesive environment for smaller organizations to grow. Today, Mammoth Trails continues to collaborate to create and enhance outdoor recreation for our community, effectively and inclusively. As partners, allies, and friends, Mammoth Trails offers the entire outdoor recreation community a space to share and discover local and regional happenings.
Mammoth Lakes Recreation and the Town of Mammoth Lakes convene Mammoth Trails meetings to engage individuals, groups, agencies, and recreation-based organizations. Participants share resources and engage on issues in our outdoor recreation community. Mammoth Trails embraces people and activities that range from moderate to extreme, local to international, and novice to elite. Participants represent the best interests of their individual organizations but ultimately understand the need for collaboration and cooperation within the outdoor recreation community. Task forces or subcommittees may be appointed to provide technical expertise, determine mitigation measures, or garner public comment on specific issues or projects.
Town of Mammoth Lakes Trail System Master Plan
The Trail System Master Plan identifies Mammoth Trails as an Education, Encouragement, and Enforcement Program under Recommendation E7: Support the development of non-governmental group to serve as a resource providing localized technical knowledge fostering trail-related stewardship.
Mammoth Trails Charter - 2023
In 2023 the TOML, MLR, and MLTPA updated the 2006 Mammoth Trails Charter using input from the founding Mammoth Trails organizations. The charter reflects the history and future of the group as a community forum for discussion and consensus building on local recreation issues.
Trail Workshop 2017
In 2017, renowned trail builder Woody Keen and an array of special guests led a free two-day workshop called Developing SMARTER Trails. Day 1 featured presentations on planning trails, and Day 2 consisted of hands-on training in the Sherwins.
Mammoth Trails History - 2007/2012
From 2007- 2012, local user groups met on a monthly basis governed by a Mammoth Trails Charter that established a confederation of user groups seeking to "...effectively and inclusively create and enhance recreation for our community."
Mammoth Trails Meetings - 2017
Meeting agendas, packets, summaries, and associated documents from all Mammoth Trails Meetings in 2017.
Mammoth Trails Meetings - 2016
Meeting agendas, packets, summaries, and associated documents from all Mammoth Trails Meetings in 2016.
Mammoth Trails Meetings - 2015
Meeting agendas, packets, summaries, and associated documents from all Mammoth Trails Meetings in 2015.
Mammoth Trails Meetings - 2014
Meeting agendas, packets, summaries, and associated documents from all Mammoth Trails Meetings in 2014 (UNDER CONSTRUCTION).
Mammoth Trails Meetings - 2013
Meeting agendas, packets, summaries, and associated documents from all Mammoth Trails Meetings in 2013 (UNDER CONSTRUCTION).
Mammoth Trails Meetings - 2012
Meeting agendas, packets, summaries, and associated documents from all Mammoth Trails Meetings in 2012.
Mammoth Trails Meetings - 2011
Meeting agendas, packets, summaries, and associated documents from all Mammoth Trails Meetings in 2011.
Mammoth Trails Meetings - 2010
Meeting agendas, packets, summaries, and associated documents from all Mammoth Trails Meetings in 2010.
Mammoth Trails Meetings - 2009
Meeting agendas, packets, summaries, and associated documents from all Mammoth Trails Meetings in 2009 (UNDER CONSTRUCTION).
Mammoth Trails Meetings - 2008
Meeting agendas, packets, summaries, and associated documents from all Mammoth Trails Meetings in 2008 (UNDER CONSTRUCTION).
Mammoth Trails Meetings - 2007
Meeting agendas, packets, summaries, and associated documents from all Mammoth Trails Meetings in 2007 (UNDER CONSTRUCTION).
Mammoth Trails Meetings - 2006
Meeting agendas, packets, summaries, and associated documents from all Mammoth Trails Meetings in 2006 (UNDER CONSTRUCTION).
Last Updated January 30, 2024