MLTPA's Strategic Plan

5 Year Strategic Plan Update - August 15, 2022
The Mammoth Lakes Trails and Public Access Foundation board and staff are proud of our service and success and are equally excited with new opportunities to facilitate sustainable recreation systems in Mammoth Lakes, the Eastern Sierra, and beyond.
Key to the Strategic Plan
The vision describes what MLTPA will be and the mission is what MLTPA does. The strategies are how MLTPA will accomplish its mission as guided by its goals and MLTPA’s operating philosophy in order to fulfill its promise. Projects undertaken to implement individual strategies will be identified, developed, and prioritized in an Annual Operating Plan before the start of each fiscal year for review and approval by the Board of Directors. Project deliverables will be monitored at regular monthly MLTPA Board Meetings to ensure that projects and their deliverables are accomplished within scope, on time, and on budget.
Vision Statement
The Mammoth Lakes Trails and Public Access Foundation (MLTPA) will be an effective independent leader that connects all people with nature and natural landscapes by creating sustainable trail and recreation systems and ensuring the public’s access.
Mission Statement
The Mammoth Lakes Trails and Public Access Foundation (MLTPA) creates sustainable trail and recreation systems that support prosperous economies and healthy communities in Mammoth Lakes, the Eastern Sierra, and beyond.
- Lead - MLTPA will plan, convene, lead and support collaborative planning efforts and programs that advance sustainable recreation in Mammoth Lakes, the Eastern Sierra, and beyond.
- Implement - MLTPA will deliver tangible results in the form of improved trail and sustainable recreation systems in Mammoth Lakes, the Eastern Sierra, and beyond.
- Sustain - MLTPA will be self-sustaining, ensuring that MLTPA accomplishes its mission in the near term and into the future.
MLTPA's Promise
"Connecting people with nature..."
Strategic Documents
The Board and staff of MLTPA are proud to share with you our plans for the future -- both for the Foundation, the Mammoth Lakes Trail System, and for the Mammoth Lakes community and the Eastern Sierra region. Download our strategic documents, below, for a detailed look at how MLTPA has positioned itself for success!
Incorporation and Non Profit Status
Incorporated in 2007 as a public benefit corporation in the State of California, the Mammoth Lakes Trails and Public Access Foundation (MLTPA) is a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization.
Last updated November 19, 2024