Eastern Sierra Recreation Collaborative - 2014

As a partner in the Eastern Sierra Recreation Collaborative (ESRC), MLTPA is proud to provide this web page - sparing the ESRC the expense of building a separate website - and to serve as the non-profit sponsor for the ESRC.
What You Need to Know
In conjunction with the Inyo National Forest Management Plan Revision process, the ESRC has invited recreation enthusiasts and regional stakeholders to participate in a series of public meetings. ESRC meetings are open public forums intended to provide diverse recreationists and stakeholders throughout the Eastern Sierra and beyond with the opportunity to collaboratively develop a regional voice representing the area’s recreation economy to help inform local, state and federal planning and policy efforts. ESRC meetings to date have focused on identifying key sustainable recreation values and strategies in support of the Inyo National Forest as it makes the first programmatic revision to its Forest Management Plan since 1988.
Deliverables and Critical Documents
Featured below are ESRC Deliverables and the “critical documents” from both the ESRC and the USFS that have been created or utilized by the ESRC. Scroll further down to download and review other “critical documents” and links to photo galleries of the individual ESRC public meetings.
Download and review a letter written to Region 5 Forester Randy Moore. As discussed with the ESRC on January 14, the letter includes the "ESRC Proposed Recreation Strategy" and requests an extension of the public release of the DEIS for the Forest Managment Plan Revision Process.
Download and review a letter written to Inyo National Forest Supervisor Ed Armenta . As discussed with the ESRC on January 14, the letter includes the "ESRC Proposed Recreation Strategy" and requests an extension of the public release of the DEIS for the Forest Management Plan Revision Process.
ESRC - Proposed Recreation Strategy
Download and review the final version of the ESRC's Proposed Recreation Strategy for use by the USFS representing the culmination of five public meetings and the efforts of the collaborative. Includes an Executive Summary.
ESRC - Proposed Recreation Strategy - Talking Points
Download and review an overview of the ESRC and talking points that can be used for communications on behalf of the ESRC's Proposed Recreation Strategy.
Download the Recreation Values, Principles, and Guidelines established by the Eastern Sierra Recreation Collaborative for the Inyo National Forest Management Plan Revision at the Kickoff Meeting in Bishop on Oct 14, 2014.
USFS - "A Framework for Sustainable Recreation"
Download the USFS document known as "A Framework for Sustainable Recreation", a guiding document for the ESRC effort that was originally published by the USFS in 2010 and referenced in the current Inyo National Forest Management Plan Revision process.
Inyo County - Letter of Support for ESRC Efforts
Download and review a letter of support approved by the Inyo County Board of Supervisors on behalf of the ESRC's proposals to benefit the Inyo National Forest Management Plan revision effort.
City of Bishop - Letter of Support for ESRC Efforts
Download and review a letter of support approved by the City of Bishop's City Council on behalf of the ESRC's proposals to benefit the Inyo National Forest Management Plan revision effort.
Mono County - Letter of Support for ESRC Efforts
Download and review a letter of support approved by the Inyo County Board of Supervisors on behalf of the ESRC's proposals to benefit the Inyo National Forest Management Plan revision effort.
Town of Mammoth Lakes - Letter of Support for ESRC Efforts
Download and review a letter of support approved by the Town of Mammoth Lakes Town Council on behalf of the ESRC's proposals to benefit the Inyo National Forest Management Plan revision effort.
ESRC - Presentation to Mono County Collaborative Planning Team
Download and review the slide deck from a presentation made to the Mono County Collaborative Planning Team on January 29, 2015. The presentation will be shared with local Eastern Sierra Governments in February, 2015.
Download and review the "Required Plan Components" from the USFS for "New Plan Development or plan revision". This handy one sheet document provides explanations for the key components of a USFS Management Plan update, including "Desired Conditions", "Objectives", "Standards", and "Guidelines".
Southwestern Region Sustainable Recreation Strategy
Download and review how Region 3 of the USFS integrated the "Framework for Sustainable Recreation" into a management program for all of Region 3, which is made up of 11 National Forests in Arizona and New Mexico.
Southwestern Region Sustainable Recreation Strategy: Graphic Summary
Download and review the 2 page graphic summary of Region 3's Sustainable Recreation Management Strategy
Deschutes National Forest Sustainable Recreation Situation Assessment
Download and review a draft of a "situation assessment" from an individual National Forest, a forest similar to the Inyo, that is working on incorporating the "Framework for Sustainable Recreation" at an individual Forest level.
ESRC - Kickoff Meeting Photo Gallery
Review images from the Kickoff Meeting of the Eastern Sierra Recreation Collaborative which took place on Oct. 14, 2014
ESRC - Southern Gateway Communities Meeting Photo Gallery
Review images from the Southern Gateway Communities Meeting of the Eastern Sierra Recreation Collaborative which took place on Oct. 28, 2014
ESRC - Northern Gateway Communities Meeting Photo Gallery
Review images from the Northern Gateway Communities Meeting of the Eastern Sierra Recreation Collaborative which took place on Oct. 30, 2014
ESRC - Drafting a Recreation Strategy Photo Gallery
Review images from the fourth meeting of the Eastern Sierra Recreation Collaborative which took place on Nov. 12, 2014
ESRC - Finalizing a Recreation Strategy Photo Gallery
Review images from the fifth meeting of the Eastern Sierra Recreation Collaborative which took place on Jan. 14, 2015
USFS Document + Links - Last Updated January 25, 2015
USFS: Project Page for Forest Plan Revision - Click here to visit the official USFS project page for all of the information you'll need to know for the Inyo, Sierra and Sequoia Forest Plan revisions.
USFS: "Forest Plan Revision Public Involvement Milestones and Timelines" - Click here to download the USFS document highlighting the upcoming milestones and timelines for the Inyo Forest Plan Revision Process. Last updated Oct. 1, 2014 (v2)
USFS: Project page for Wilderness Inventory and Evaluation - Click here to visit the official USFS project pages on all things Wilderness as it pertains to the Inyo National Forest Management Plan update: "The 2012 Planning Rule requires us (USFS) to identify and evaluate lands that may be suitable for inclusion in the National Wilderness Preservation System (NWPS) and determine whether to recommend any such lands for wilderness designation."
ESRC Reference Documents + Links - Last Updated January 25, 2015
ESRC: “Kickoff Meeting Agenda” – Click here to download the agenda for the ESRC Kickoff Meeting in Bishop on Oct 14, 2014.
ESRC: “Kickoff Meeting Presentation” - Click here to download the presentation used by facilitator Michael Ward for the ESRC Kickoff Meeting in Bishop on Oct 14, 2014.
ESRC: “Gateway Communities Meeting Agenda” – Oct 28 + 30 - Click here to download the agenda for the two Gateway Community meetings in Big Pine (Oct.28) and June Lake (Oct 30). This download was updated for use at the June Lake meeting.
ESRC – "Gateway Community Map Exercise" - Click here to download the transcribed meeting notes from map exercises at two Gateway Community meetings held in the Eastern Sierra communities of Big Pine (Southern Gateway Communities - Oct. 28) and June Lake (Northern Gateway Communities - Oct. 30)
ESRC - Gateway Communities Key Questions Excercise - Click here to download the documented responses by ESRC participants to several "key questions", including "How to foster a symbiotic relationship between INF Recreation use and Conservation?"
ESRC: "Drafting A Recreation Strategy" - Click here to download the agenda for the fourth ESRC meeting preparing for the preliminary Inyo Forest Management Plan Alternatives.
ESRC: "Finalizing A Recreation Strategy" - Click here to download the agenda for the fifth ESRC meeting finalizing the ESRC Recreation Strategy
ESRC: "Press Release - Oct 21, 2014" - Click here to download the ESRC Press Release announcing the Four Public Meetings on October 3, 2014.
ESRC: "Press Release - Nov 4, 2014" - Click here to download the ESRC Press Release announcing the fourth Public Meeting on November 12, 2014.
ESRC Press Release - Dec 26, 2014 - Click here to download the ESRC Press Release announcing the fourth Public Meeting on November 12, 2014.
About Eastern Sierra Recreation Collaborative (ESRC)
The ESRC is a grass roots effort launched in 2014 by Eastern Sierra recreation enthusiasts committed to economic diversification and to policies that support sustainable recreation management. Its purpose is to enhance regional recreation opportunities through focused engagement and collaboration with community stakeholders and the gateway communities of the Eastern Sierra.
For More Information please email info@eastsierrarec.org
Meetings To Date - Updated January 25, 2015
Thursday, January 14 2015 - Bishop - Cerro Coso Community College
"Finalizing a Recreation Strategy" - 5:30 PM to 8:30 PM
Wednesday, November 12 2014 - Bishop - Cerro Coso Community College
"Drafting a Recreation Strategy"
Thursday, October 30 2014 – June Lake – June Lake Community Center
"Northern Gateway Communities"
Tuesday, October 28 2014 – Big Pine - Big Pine Town Hall
"Southern Gateway Communities"
Tuesday, October 14 2014- Bishop - Cerro Coso Community College
"Kickoff Meeting"
Last Updated January 25, 2015